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Feature Modules


Every feature module consists of the following sub-modules:

  • datasource-api: It contains interfaces for cache and network that can be injected into the interactors module. This can also make testing easier. The naming convention of the classes in this module are XFeatureApiService, XFeatureDatabaseService

  • datasource-impl: It contains a concrete implementation of the interface from the data source module. The naming convention of the classes are XFeatureApiServiceImpl, XFeatureDatabaseServiceImpl

  • domain/model: It contains the UI Model class of the feature, which can be provided to feature-common-ui modules or the module where the screen using the feature resides.

  • domain/interactors: It contains use-cases or business logic for the feature. It takes a feature data source as a dependency. Fetching and caching-related tasks are done here.

Feature Authentication

The authentication feature module consists of one extra module, including all the other modules that a feature module usually contains. They are:

  • worker: This module verifies the user's authentication status periodically and checks if the user still exists in our database or if their token has expired.

Feature Article

The Article feature module consists of four extra modules, including all the other modules that a feature module usually contains. They are:

  • markdown: It contains all the necessary classes that help in rendering text markdown in the Article Detail Screen. It depends on a third-party library called common mark.
  • widget: It contains all the necessary classes that help in creating a Daily Read widget using the Jetpack Glance API.
  • worker: This module manages the Daily Read feature. It consists of DailyReadManager which fetches articles and shows them as "Daily Read" via notification and widget.
  • common-article-ui: It contains common UI components related to article feature such as ArticleCard, which are used on every screen where an article is displayed.

Feature Topic

A topic feature module consists of one extra module, including all the other modules that a feature module usually contains. They are:

  • worker: This module manages the subscription of topics.