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Every interactor (use-case) in the project leads to code duplications so we have created Top Level functions which help us to avoid it.

Default Interactor

This function is used in every interactor (not really a use-case). It returns a flow of type Stage which is a sealed class containing Success and Exception objects. doWork is where we perform fetching and caching of the data.

inline fun <T> CoroutineDispatcher.start(
    crossinline doWork: suspend () -> T,
): Flow<Stage> {
    return flow {
        try {
            withTimeout(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5)) {
        } catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {
    }.catch { throwable ->

The usage may look like:

fun execute(articleId: Int): Flow<Stage> {
    return dispatchers.default.start {
        val articleFromApi = api.getArticleById(articleId)

        articleFromApi?.data?.let {
            applicationScope.launch {
                val pair = cache.getRespectivePair(

It also has a .collect() extension function which is used by our ViewModel to avoid code duplication.

 * [collect] is an extension function which takes in
 * a loader which helps in showing the progressBar for each execution
 * and onError lambda gets triggered if any exception is thrown.
suspend fun Flow<Stage>.collect(
    loader: ObservableLoader,
    onError: suspend (String) -> Unit,
    onSuccess: suspend () -> Unit = { },
) {
    collectLatest { stage ->
        when (stage) {
            is Stage.Success -> onSuccess.invoke()
            is Stage.Exception -> onError.invoke(stage.throwable.toMessage)